Foreign banks dominating Ghana’s banking sector?

Foreign banks in Ghana

Ghana’s banking sector is dominated by private companies, with the government only holding onto just a few vital industry-leading banks. Foreign banks comfortably take a good part of this tremendous private sector participation in Ghana’s banking sector.

Fintech in Ghana: Financial inclusion and the drive towards a cashless economy

Fintech in Ghana

Financial Technology, widely known by the moniker ‘FinTech’, is the application of technology in delivering financial products and services to clients or customers. While technology on its own was nothing new to the world of financial services — as the institutions used it at the back end of their operations, the advent of the internet in the early 1990s sparked a revolution within the industry.

Cryptocurrency exchangers and exchanges: Principle of operation, main differences

crypto currency exchangers and exchanges

Cryptocurrency exchangers are very popular among digital money network users. This is because not everywhere can you pay with bitcoin, ether, or other crypto coins; however, you can purchase any product or service with them after exchanging them for fiat (traditional money). In this article, we will talk about the features of working with exchangers.