What is Nagios?

What is Nagios?

Nagios is a monitoring tool that allows you to monitor your servers, applications, and other IT assets. It can alert you when they go offline … Read more

What is an NFT? You don’t have to be a nerd to understand this

What is an NFT

When you first hear NFT, the first thought is always, What is an NFT? Everyone’s talking about NFTs, but not everyone clearly understands what they are. The marketplace for these digital assets is still new and confusing, making it hard to comprehend their worth and how you can buy or sell them.

In this post, I’ll clarify some of the mysteries behind NFTs so you can decide whether they’re worth buying into.

Crucial elements of pop-up templates that make them effective

pop-up templates

The pop-up window on the site still causes fierce controversy among marketers. Some experts are sure that this tool only does what irritates and thereby scares away users. Others believe that, despite some obsession, pop-ups bring a number of valuable benefits. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

How to mine Ethereum?

how to mine Ethereum

Ethereum is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies that can be mined using specialised software. Its use is based on the distributed blockchain; thus, smart contracts and a variety of decentralised exchanges are possible.

How do you acquire Ethereum, and is it worth trading cryptocurrencies in 2022?