MTN Ghana sweeps more awards at 2024 GITTA

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MTN Ghana sweeps more awards at 2024 GITTA

MTN Ghana has once again emerged tops at the 2024 Ghana Information Technology and Telecoms Awards (GITTA) held in Accra, receiving nine awards at the event.

The general awards won are:
• Best Digital Transformation Company of the Year
• Enterprise Innovation Platform of the Year – MTN Chenosis
• Digital Experience in Customer Service (MTN Viibe Video)
• Network Team of the Year
• Best Company in Sustainability
• Best Workplace in Technology

MTN Ghana sweeps more awards at 2024 GITTA
Abdallah Ibrahim, Acting Chief Human Resource Officer receiving Best Workplace in Technology Award on behalf of MTN

In addition to the above awards, two Executives of MTN Ghana were recognized in the Special Awards Category. Thomas Motlepa, Chief Technical Officer, was recognized for employing modern technology in ensuring stability and connectivity on MTN’s Network. He received the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Year Award.

Dario Bianchi, Chief Digital Officer, was awarded the Digital Personality of the Year at the event. He was awarded for his transformation and innovative digital services and channels like myMTN and MTN Eshop Apps, and platforms such as Ayoba, Chenosis leading to MTN Ghana’s digital growth.

The former CEO of MTN Ghana, Selorm Adadevoh, was awarded Telecom CEO of the Year for his remarkable achievements during his tenure as CEO of MTN Ghana.

MTN Ghana sweeps more awards at 2024 GITTA
Dario Bianchi, Chief Digital Officer receiving Digital Personality of the Year Award

Commenting on the awards, the CEO of MTN Ghana, Stephen Blewett congratulated the team for their stellar performance in all areas of the business. He said, “this is great news and evidence of the good work we are doing as a business. Our customers made this feat possible and I look forward to delivering on our commitment to delight and brighten their lives with innovative products and excellent customer experience”.

“A special commendation to Thomas, Dario and my predecessor, Selorm, for making us proud. I celebrate you for your outstanding leadership”, he added.

MTN Ghana sweeps more awards at 2024 GITTA
Angela Solomon, Manager, Customer Social Media and Digital Channels receiving Digital Experience in Customer Service Award on behalf of MTN Ghana

MTN Ghana is on record for consistently winning the most awards since its participation in GITTA. GITTA Awards is an annual event dedicated to recognizing, rewarding, showcasing ICT initiatives that are driving innovation in Ghana.

MTN Ghana sweeps more awards at 2024 GITTA
Jemima Kotei Walsh, Chief Customer Relations Officer receiving Telecom CEO of the Year Award on behalf of Selorm Adadevoh (Past CEO of MTN Ghana)
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