IndabaX Ghana Summit 2024: Participants sensitized on correct and positive use of AI

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IndabaX Ghana Summit 2024: Participants sensitized on correct and positive use of AI

The IndabaX Ghana Summit 2024 has gathered 600 enthusiastic youth at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST), sparking excitement and curiosity among attendees. This year’s theme, “Unleashing the Potential of AI through Grassroots Engagement,” focuses on educating young tech enthusiasts about the correct and positive use of artificial intelligence.

In partnership with the KNUST Responsible AI Lab, Deep Learning Indaba, Google, NVIDIA, GIZ Digital Transformation Center, FAIR Forward, Maverick Research, Aya Data, WiMLDS Accra, Mozilla, MTN Ghana, and Wave-2 Analytics, the summit emphasizes the transformative power of AI when used responsibly.

Often, young people engage with AI in ways that don’t benefit the broader community. IndabaX Ghana 2024 aims to shift this narrative by promoting the ethical and impactful application of AI technologies.

The unsafe and unfamiliar usage of artificial intelligence tools in education, technology, and business is a growing concern. The IndabaX Ghana Summit 2024 addresses this by educating youth on the positive and correct use of AI to shape their world.

IndabaX Ghana Summit 2024: Participants sensitized on correct and positive use of AI

Through diverse sessions, including a research showcase, industry networking opportunities, and hands-on workshops, the summit aims to bridge the knowledge gap and equip participants with practical AI skills. Executive Chair of the Conference Steering Committee, Delali Agbenyegah, emphasized that grassroots engagement will raise awareness of AI’s potential.

“Our mission is to boost capacity and create awareness about AI, showing young people how to leverage it to improve various sectors,” Agbenyegah said. “Training focuses on responsible AI, and involving young people is crucial. We’re planting seeds of AI possibilities, ensuring they develop systems to benefit our future.”

Prof. Jerry John Kponyo, Associate Professor at KNUST’s Responsible AI Lab, emphasized the need for strategic AI adoption in the country. “AI will create new jobs and impact key areas like energy and agriculture. We must position ourselves to maximize its benefits,” he said.

Addressing concerns about AI’s negative effects, he added, “The Responsible AI Lab aims to enhance the positives and guard against the negatives.”

KNUST Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mrs. Rita Akosua Dickson, announced plans to build AI capacity among staff through a summer school. “It’s crucial that no one is left behind. We must build the capacity of not just students, but staff and everyone who matters, championing responsible AI usage,” she said.

The three-day IndabaX Ghana Summit 2024, which began on July 17, marks the 5th anniversary of the event.

About IndabaX Ghana Summit

The Ghana Data Science Summit (IndabaX Ghana) is the vibrant summit where Ghana’s data science community converges to inspire, innovate, and illuminate the path forward in the realm of Data Science and Machine Intelligence.

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