Sharaf Mahama, CEO of Legacy Rise Sports and Founder of the Sharaf Mahama Foundation, has taken legal action against GhanaWeb following the publication of an article on January 10, 2025, titled “Sharaf Mahama ‘clashed’ with Kurt Okraku after Ghana lost to Angola in Kumasi—Atta Poku alleges.”
In a demand notice from his legal representatives, the story is described as entirely false and defamatory. The notice highlights that Mr. Mahama was not present at the match in question and asserts that the publication was a deliberate attempt to tarnish his reputation. The letter demands an immediate retraction of the article and an unqualified apology from GhanaWeb within 24 hours. Failure to comply will lead to legal proceedings for defamation.
For more information or inquiries, you may contact Mr. Mahama’s legal representative, Richard Nunekpeku, at 0243717144 or via email at [email protected].
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